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April 11, 2024

For information on admission to Notre Dame Prep, please click here

Social studies teacher finds a school environment that aligns with her own faith and mission in life; says Notre Dame Prep has been "welcoming" and "amazing."

Upper school social studies teacher Rachael Kroll said she was welcomed and supported when she joined the NDP staff in 2021.

Fewer than one in five Americans (18 percent) would encourage a young person to become a K-12 teacher, according to a recent survey by NORC (National Opinion Research Center) at the University of Chicago, a non-partisan, independent social research organization. Last year, Harvard University dropped its undergrad teaching program due to declining enrollment — just one of many such closures that have accelerated since 2020, noted a Forbes article by Mark C. Perna, an educator, author and specialist in workforce management.

Meanwhile, finding those teachers who embrace the special mission that defines everything at Notre Dame Prep despite such a difficult environment remains a huge priority for the school's administration and human resources department. Fortunately, the classrooms of NDP, from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, continue to be staffed by a group of faculty members who deliver the school's enviable academic program within a community that also guides young men and women into becoming good Christian people and upstanding citizens with the strength to live their conviction and a commitment to serving others.

It's about values and ethics

For Notre Dame Prep's Rachael Kroll, who began teaching in the upper school in December of 2021, it's been an "amazing" experience so far and one that seems perfectly aligned with who she is.

"The faith and school mission aspect of NDP is grounded in a very similar way to my own high school experience," she said in a recent interview. "I remember my high school years instilling certain values and ethics that I keep with me to this day. And I can tell that Notre Dame does the same thing." 

A graduate of Oakland University with a B.A. in history, a minor in cinema studies and a secondary education certification, Kroll had a number of long-term substitute teacher positions before signing on at NDP as a full-time instructor. She's currently teaching world cultures, AP U.S. history and economics. She also said that while starting in the middle of the school year was a bit hectic for her, the administration and her fellow teachers were very supportive and encouraging. And so were the kids.

Kroll, who also moderates Notre Dame Prep's Model United Nations activity, said the school fosters an environment of acceptance for everyone.

"The students were amazing and really helped me be successful in my first year," she said. "I still have fantastic connections with some of those students I had that first year. And throughout these past few years, this amazing school has allowed me to grow as an educator through furthering my own education while working with some truly inspiring fellow staff members."

Kroll also took on the job as moderator of NDP's Model United Nations program. With roots going back to the early 20th century at Harvard University, Model United Nations is a high school- and college-based simulation of the real United Nations General Assembly located in New York City. She said Model UN has been an amazing experience. 

Called to be the best

"We were able to go to a conference at the University of Michigan and I really got to see the students grow in their confidence and ability to be an impactful part of democracy and change," she said.

As Kroll and her students look to finish the school year strong, she remains steadfast in nurturing and advancing the overall raison d'etre of Notre Dame Prep.

"The school fosters an environment where everyone feels accepted, heard, challenged and called to be the best person they can be," she said. "Forming Christian people, upright citizens and academic scholars has a lot more to it than just those words. Truly living and understanding those words is how we all can become who we are called to be by God."

For information on admission to Notre Dame Prep, please click here.

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About Notre Dame Preparatory School
"At Notre Dame Prep, we inspire our students to become the best versions of themselves. We challenge them through an experience of academic excellence, focused on active, project-based learning. We invite them to explore a world of opportunities beyond the classroom. We guide them as they grow in spirituality within a community strong in its Catholic and Marist identity."

Notre Dame Preparatory School is a private, Catholic, independent, coeducational day school located in Oakland County. Notre Dame Preparatory School's upper school enrolls students in grades nine through twelve and has been named one of the nation's best 50 Catholic high schools (Acton Institute) four times since 2005. Notre Dame Prep's middle and lower schools enroll students in pre-kindergarten through grade eight. All three schools are International Baccalaureate "World Schools." NDP is conducted by the Marist Fathers and Brothers and is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States and the National Association of Independent Schools. For more on Notre Dame Preparatory School, visit the school’s home page at