IRISH Magazine
IRISH magazine is dedicated to alumni, parents and friends of Notre Dame Preparatory School and our heritage schools, including Notre Dame High School, Pontiac/Oakland Catholic High School, St. Michael High School and St. Frederick High School.
It is published three times per year and distributed free-of-charge. If you are not receiving a copy and would like to do so, please email the Office of Marketing and Communications at
Current Issue > The fall/winter 2024-25 issue of IRISH includes stories about Notre Dame Prep's state titles in boys soccer and football; the school's innovative early-education program; alumni profiles; and an in-depth interview with NDP founder Fr. Leon Olszamowski, s.m., on the school's 30th anniversary. Plus, a story about Notre Dame Prep's upcoming Gala event; Head of School Andy Guest's comments; and alumni class notes and reunions. Check it out!
Calling all Alumni! Share Your News in IRISH
If you are a graduate of Notre Dame Prep or one of our heritage schools and would like to share an update or special announcement in the next issue, please email or use the online update form.